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Found 8 results

  1. Hello community, I am wondering how can I add the add to Wishlist button? I have checked the box here in the product listing widget but it does not show on the page. I tried it on the Homepage, on all products page, on categories page. I checked everywhere and it does not display the button. There is integrated in the theme a wishlist page where the authenticated user can go to see his list so Im guessing it should work and the button should be present somehow. What do I have to look for so I can fix this error?
  2. Give your customers the ability to create their own wish lists to remember and easily access the products they like without having to search for them again. The Personal Catalog module is designed to revolutionize the online shopping process. Learn simple steps to manage the Personal Catalog module.
  3. I'm on osC 2.3.4 with the latest version of the wishlist installed. I'm having a problem with customers who have a large number of products on their wishlist (100+). During their current session all is fine but sometimes after logging out and they come back and click on the link for their wishlist the screen goes white and looks like the wishlist is empty even though their products are still in the wishlist file. Clearing the browser cache seems to help but the problem creeps up again at a later time. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  4. Hello, I have installed the wishlist contribution (sept 2013 version) found here: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8665 When I add the sql code in phpmyadmin I get this error: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM' at line 7 . If anyone can help the SQL code in full is: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers_wishlist; CREATE TABLE customers_wishlist ( customers_wishlist_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, customers_id int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', products_id tinytext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (customers_wishlist_id), KEY idx_wishlist_customers_id (customers_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customers_wishlist_attributes; CREATE TABLE customers_wishlist_attributes ( customers_wishlist_attributes_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, customers_id int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', products_id tinytext NOT NULL, products_options_id int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', products_options_value_id int unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (customers_wishlist_attributes_id), KEY idx_wishlist_att_customers_id (customers_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO configuration_group ( configuration_group_id , configuration_group_title , configuration_group_description , sort_order , visible ) VALUES ( '12954', 'Wish List Settings', 'Settings for your Wish List', '25', '1' ); INSERT INTO configuration ( configuration_id , configuration_title , configuration_key , configuration_value , configuration_description , configuration_group_id , sort_order , last_modified , date_added , use_function , set_function ) VALUES ( '', 'Max Wish List', 'MAX_DISPLAY_WISHLIST_PRODUCTS', '12', 'How many wish list items to show per page on the main wishlist.php file', '12954', '', now(), now(), NULL , NULL ); INSERT INTO configuration ( configuration_id , configuration_title , configuration_key , configuration_value , configuration_description , configuration_group_id , sort_order , last_modified , date_added , use_function , set_function ) VALUES ( '', 'Max Wish List Box', 'MAX_DISPLAY_WISHLIST_BOX', '4', 'How many wish list items to display in the infobox before it changes to a counter', '12954', '', now(), now(), NULL , NULL ); INSERT INTO configuration ( configuration_id , configuration_title , configuration_key , configuration_value , configuration_description , configuration_group_id , sort_order , last_modified , date_added , use_function , set_function ) VALUES ( '', 'Display Emails', 'DISPLAY_WISHLIST_EMAILS', '10', 'How many emails to display when the customer emails their wish list link', '12954', '', now(), now(), NULL , NULL ); INSERT INTO configuration ( configuration_id , configuration_title , configuration_key , configuration_value , configuration_description , configuration_group_id , sort_order , last_modified , date_added , use_function , set_function ) VALUES ( '', 'Wish List Redirect', 'WISHLIST_REDIRECT', 'No', 'Do you want to redirect back to the product_info.php page when a customer adds a product to their wish list?', '12954', '', now(), now(), NULL , 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'Yes\', \'No\'),' ); Thank you in advance.
  5. Im a newbie,dont have knowledge of coding at all I have problem here Following code appears to be a button: echo tep_draw_button(TEXT_ADD_WISHLIST, 'clipboard', null, 'primary', array('params' => 'name="wishlist" value="wishlist"')); and i have created it using following but i have problem for the parameters that has to be passed in following: echo '<a href="'.tep_href_link(FILENAME_WISHLIST,tep_get_all_get_params()).'"><u>Add to Wishlist</u></a>'; I want it as a link . what can be done. please help me.
  6. Hi, hope some one can help me. I just installed the Wishlist: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8665/v,23 on my site: http://www.dykkerhulen.dk/webshop/index.php?language=EN. Its working fine when you are adding products to the list but when you want to email it to some one, the fields where you should enter the email for who to receive the email, are no where. Can some one please advice? Regards Gerner
  7. Hello, I have v2.2 and I would like to add on a "wishlist" contribution but I am having a hard time finding one with the features I want. The features I need is: Features: + add/remove items from wishlist, view wishlist + email wishlist to a friend [for logged users] + add/remove from wishlist to shopping cart + remove items from shopping cart to wishlist [new!] + work for guest too, merged when loggin in [new!] I specially like the last two features. I found these features available on "MyWishlist v1.0" but my web guy said that it is from 2008 and too old. Is there a different/newer version available. I would really appreciate your opinion. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Lalo
  8. Latest Release: July 2nd, 2012 For support please post to this thread or drop us a note What Does the "List It" Addon Do? Simply put List It brings Giftery.me's Universal Wishlists right into your product pages by adding a simple 60x24.. Once enabled, List It allows your visitors to save their favorite items to share with friends & family, ask for as a gift, or just bookmark for later all without leaving your site . And of course when someone is ready to buy, they're returned right back to your store to make the purchase. ...queue the marketing talk... Unlike with single-site wishlist tools, Giftery.me is universal meaning shoppers can add anything from any store and end up with just one list. As an osCommerce store this is important because, let's face it, no one shops with just one store or just one type of product. By having a flexible list, you avoid losing customers to stores with more selection and since Giftery.me is independant, we find that people return to, add too and share their lists more often. How do I add List It to my site? Integrating with your store requires two things: a free store profile with Giftery.me [so we know where to send shoppers back too] and a simple template edit to add our button into your product pages. You can get started by visiting http://www.giftery.me/storeowner/addstore/?type=oscommerce and select "osCommerce" as your store type. Or skip right over to the directions by downloading the contribution @ http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,8226 or see the online version @ http://www.giftery.me/storeowner/oscommerce/ How do I add my products to Giftery.me? While List It works without any data from your store, if we know your products we can insure a photo, price and title appears with every pick... Our team is hard working on an automated feed for osCommerce but in the meantime if you have an existing Google Shopping or Product Feed addon installed you can upload your information in bulk through our Store Manager - or you can add and edit items individually through the same site. Release Updates: We've been integrated with osCommerce since November, 2011 and are now on revision 3, released July 2nd, 2012
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