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  1. This is the support thread for Dynamic Frame Controller. - http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8963 Please post any questions or feedback.
  2. I'm the new kid on the block. I have used OSCommerce for a projects 5 or 6 years ago and at the time I totally hacked the files to customize the look and feel. (I am a designer/snippets guy, not a programmer, but I can work in several programming environments, html/css/php/sql being the most confortable). Now I am back with a new OSC3.1 (default installation using fantastico). As I went in I was quite surprised to find 'html tables' still mixed with the logic, but.. if that's what we get... that's what I have to work with, i guess. My problem today is that I was hoping to be able to use a template, or template system (STS..3...4 ?), but as I started looking for it I found tons of different feedbacks for different versions and different types of templates... and I don't have time to try everything to see what is reliable. Question: What combination of versions and templates (system or not) is best to use today (2011) which would be reliable and at the same time 'foward looking', meaning possibly not using tables for the main layout? (..and with at least one free template to see if I can work with the system before spending money for a better template.) Once set up I will have to do extensive custom work to match an existing non-OSC website look and feel and I work much faster with CSS/HTML than table/html. As I said I have a fresh 3.1 install so it would not take much to redo the install for another version if you think a different OSC version would be a template frendlier setup. Thank you much, Marco PS. Could you tell me please why I see a lot of recent posts (2011) in this forum about problems with OSC versions that are 1-2-3 years old? Why don't they upgrade? Is it better to work with older versions? Thanks. .
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