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Found 4 results

  1. This addon has three simple unavoidable changes to core code and an optional simple change to admin categories. Amended code and instructions are provided for 2.3.4BS Edge but with comparable edits it would work on any 2.3+ store. It provides the means to change the default order of products with a category on index.php and supports the same product having different values in different categories. A separate admin page allows you to set all the sort orders within a category at once, and also lets you change the sort order of categories. Upload link coming when available.
  2. About This add-on is based on SimpleSuggest, adding a search suggestion to your OsCommerce search box, but it also records each customers' searched keywords and sort the result products order by popular search, or even simply show the result in term of popular keywords. It also gives the ability to search in multiple keywords using AND/OR. Options can be set in Admin and automatically install and deal with database. By setting search type 'products' and sort by 'products', it works just like SimpleSuggest, but you can also sort the resulting products by 'keywords' - it's searched count. Or simply put search type to 'keywords' so it works as a self-learn search engine which gives the pass searched keywords (make sure you have enough saved search keywords before turn this on) ScreenShot http://richardfu.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/screenshot_1_search_suggest.jpg Search suggestion using or and multiple words http://richardfu.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/screenshot_2_admin_configuration.jpg Admin configuration http://richardfu.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/screenshot_3_stats_report.jpg Stats keyword searched 2.2.x Add-on page 2.3.x Add-on page
  3. Hi, I installed the French language pack and the Boxes configuration reverts to default when I switch to the second language (French). I am installing v2.3.3 and migrating changes from a 2.2a site. Most of the French content works (most is still from the module installation). The box content displays correctly, but the left/right configuration and the boxes displayed and sort order appear to be the system defaults. When installing the French module as an unzip from catalog, I chose not to overwrite as I did not want to have administrative functions in French. I even tried switching the language to French, going to the admin page and re-writing the boxes configuration, but no change. Searched all over the forums, but have not found the solution. Your help is greatly appreciated!
  4. Hello, I am sure this has been done, but I cannot find it anywhere. Is there a way to sort your product lists by the product attributes? This obviously works for sorting by price and by manufacturer, since those two options are included. But is it much more difficult to retrieve the product attributes and sort your lists by them? So for example, let's say I sell shoes and want to sort the list of all shoes to only filter out the ones that are black, and each of my products has an attribute defined as "color" with the value of "black", or "blue", etc... Any help would be greatly appreciated....
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