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Found 12 results

  1. Hello fellow osCommercians. This is the support topic for the addon SEO Friendly Urls. SEO Friendly Urls is a new addon for the osCommerce CMS that will change the default urls into what a modern website's urls should be! (at least that's what I think) I will shortly add the zip file into addons page. (I just wan tto grab this topic link in order to add it into the addons page) Example: of SEO Friendly Urls: www.mystore.com/product_info.php?products_id=17 will be www.mystore.com/scarves/oval-crystal-scarf Urls possible structure examples : * www.mydomain.com/category-alias www.mydomain.com/category-alias/sub-category-alias www.mydomain.com/category-alias/sub-category-alias/sub-category-alias www.mydomain.com/category-alias/sub-category-alias/sub-sub-category-alias/sub-sub-sub-category-alias e.t.c. www.mydomain.com/product-alias www.mydomain.com/category-alias/product-alias www.mydomain.com/category-alias/sub-category-alias/product-alias www.mydomain.com/category-alias/sub-category-alias/sub-category-alias/product-alias www.mydomain.com/category-alias/sub-category-alias/sub-sub-category-alias/sub-sub-sub-category-alias/product-alias e.t.c. * Can also add any desired extension. Can also add language alias. Example with language alias: www.mydomain.com/en/category-alias/product-alias Extras: You can also create alias for core pages such as specials.php, reviews.php For example you could change specials.php to specials (www.mystore.com/specials) ------------------- EDITED: Here is the addons link: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/9371 P.S. I did not added this topic url to the addons page. Damn, I forgot. P.S. I hope I don't break any rule this time.
  2. Hi, I have deicided it is about time I turned Register Globals off on my site, and so have been trying to do this on my local version. I have made the necessary changes according to this mod: osCommerce 2.2ms2-060817 Register Globals Off Workaround for PHP4 and PHP5 This mod was created by Jiri Stavinoha from magic seo url. Upon turning Register Globals off everything worked fine until I turned my Ultimate SEO URLs package on. When I do this the category and product pages display the error: FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it! It is only the pages that have had their urls modified by the Ultimate SEO URLs package that come up with this error. What really baffles me is that a site wide source code search for "FATAL ERROR: register_globals" reveals no matches. It is also worth mentioning that I first used a different contribution to make my site compaitible with Register Globals off. The other contribution resulted in exactly the same errors. My head is going scabby from all the scratching and so if anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated.
  3. Hi, meine Frage bezieht sich im allgemeinen auf SEO. Ich frage mich, wo ihr mehr Maßnahmen ergreift. Auf der Seite oder eher Offpage? Wie sollte ich das ganze Gewichten? - Ich habe eine Seite zum Thema Fitness und würde gerne eure Expertise zum Thema (Ausbau-Anleitung) hören. Wie viel Investiert ihr in den Aufbau von Links - Wie viel Inhalt bietet ihr an. (Wie viel relevante Artikel pro Monat) schreibt ihr für einen potenziellen Ratgeber? auf seosuisse gabs schon einige Infos zu dem Thema. Ihr seid dennoch gefragt. Vielen Dank
  4. This module displays text on the home page and, after a settable time, the text slides away. The text is still visible to the search engines and to your customers, if they click on the link, so this allows for better SEO as well as space management. Currently only available for the Responsive version, though it should work in some later 2.3.4 versions.
  5. Hi all, a fake HTTP/HTTPS URL recorder and administration redirection add-on just ready for population. This would be usefull when moving contents to new place or lost something from your new v2.3.4 shop. Features in the first version automatic url recording automatic fake URL redirection handler CSV export/import editable URL redirection mode online help dashboard info modul * wildcard character Add-on place for install: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/9321 Upload Usage 1. Add New URLs If you would like upload new URL redirections from csv file, then leave empty the "redirects_id" column value "redirects_id";"old_url";"new_url";"date_added";"latest_hit";"last_modified";"error_code";"priority";"counter";"url_redirects_mode";"url_redirects_status"; "";"product_info.php?products_id=100";"";"2015-06-01 13:09:27";"";"";"302";"1";"0";"301";"0"; 2. Update URLs After edited downloaded csv file save it and upload for activate modifications for the live site. 3. Error in Uploads If you try upload an exists URL when is not set or without "redirects_id" than the table will not be upgrade/add the record. Thanks to @@altoid who donated the project.
  6. hi actually i was looking for a Category Description Add-On for 2.3.3.x but could not find anything that works and during my search here (osC Forum) i read people mentioning SEO Add-Ons which include Categories Description so you could have SEO and Description in one. I searched for SEO and found this. SEO Header Tags - RELOADED http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8864 I just love this add-on and its to bad it doesn't get the same attention as the other SEO add-ons. why is that i wonder? great job on this one burt! :thumbsup: this contribution reminds me of an old add-on i used in the days of osC 2.2MS2 called header tags controller. it also has the category description field in the admin but won't show up in the category in the front end. maybe i'm misunderstanding that function so if burt or anyone else could shed light in this i would really appreciate it. and is this add-on compatible with ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5? thank you and regards Tsimi
  7. hello, i presently have HeaderTags_SEO_V_3.2.7 by Jack. but we are changing to bootstrap. Does this addon --HeaderTags_SEO_V_3.2.7 --by burt, have a category description area? where each category is able to have a description added to the page from a text box provided in admin area. thanks
  8. Hi there, We are building our online store, and would like to integrate with a good SEO addon. We have looked into Jack´s seo addons and FWR media, however, still uncertain which is better to go for. We would really appreciate it if someone could let us know what are the differences between the two, as well as the Pros and Cons Thanks.
  9. the url looking like normal url, there is no seo url. http://www.yoursite.com/product_info.php?cPath=1_4&products_id=1 not changing to : http://www.yoursite.com/Hardware/Graphics-Cards/Matrox-G200-MMS/
  10. I am using the Ultimate URLs contribution and have a issue, I have amended the name of a product and therefore its link has changed from a to b, as seen below: (a) domain.com/great-product-p-12.html (B) domain.com/awesome-product-p-12.html The problem is that I only want (B) domain to work and I want (a) to now go to a 410 page. The reason why I want this is because google is duplicating the page and therefore penalising me for duplicate content. Does anyone know how I can resolve this simply? I dont want to just 410 the page in htaccess as this is a much bigger issue across many products. Any ideas? Thanks, Chris
  11. I am looking to create a google feed for my instance of osCommerce. However, I have the ultimate SEO URL's 5 installed on my 2.3.1 instance. How do I get the product URL's for each product at they are not stored in the database in the products table? Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Hi there, Sorry if I have not posted this to the correct area, but not sure where it should go. We have designed an oscommerce site is conjunction with another company. We have designed the front end and they have created the backend for us. The website is called www.thelogocentre.co.uk We want to be able to make the URLS SEO friendly so that they will run as www.thelogocentre.co.uk/parentcategory/childcategory/productname rather than how they do at present. We have asked the company to make these changes and they are quoting 32 hours work for this. Although I am not offay with oscommerce, I am with Joomla and Wordpress and know that these have simple plugins that can be installed. I have found this one: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/2823 Basically what I want to know is, are we being taken for a ride when they quote 32 hours work and should the above plugin (or better one) work? OK they have heavily cuistomised the system so that it is updated via a excel spreadsheet by the customer to populate the site, so I am not sure if this is the reason why it would take so long to implement. We also want to be able to make the pages have individual meta tags and again they are quoting 24 hours work - is there also a plugin that could resolve this? Sorry for all the questions but this was our first OSCOMMERCE site and we want to be able to offer it more, but at the prices our development company are charging we are not sure this will be viable! Thanks for your time. Tony
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