I desperately need help here folks.
I have two languages in my store, spanish and english. I installed the Banner Multi Language MOD contribution (this one: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8083), to have different banners for the different languages, but they just aren't matching up properly. The different banners show up randomly whenever you refresh the page, however, they do show up in the correct position for the specific banner on the page (both nivo slider and content banners on the bottom of the page). I tried the amendment added to the contribution, and no luck getting them sorted correctly.
I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the banner groups I've assigned, but they way I have them set up are:
Banners Groups Banner Language:
Small #1 (in english) banner1 English
Small #1 (in spanish) banner1 Espanol
Small #2 (in english) banner2 English
Small #3 (in spanish) banner2 Espanol
Small #3 (in english) banner3 English
Small #3 (in spanish) banner3 Espanol
Nivo #1 (in english) banner11 English
Nivo #1 (in spanish) banner11 Espanol
Nivo #2 (in english) banner12 English
Nivo #2 (in spanish) banner12 Espanol
Nivo #3 (in english) banner13 English
Nivo #3 (in spanish) banner13 Espanol
Is there anyone that can help me figure this out? Or if anyone has a better contribution that I should look into, I would greatly appreciate it. I am running osc 2.3.1.