osCommerce payment module for Quickpay payment gateway.
Supports Quickpay Form (and link) for payment authorisation, with capture and refund available within osC admin.
At the time of writing, compatible with Quickpay API v10 and osC 2.3.4 variants.
The initial release has language files and installation instructions in both English and Danish.
It can be installed without code changes on:
2.3.4BS Edge version of Community Responsive osC Project (which is Paypal App-ready)
2.3.4 osCommerce with Paypal App already installed
2.3.4BS Gold version of Community Responsive osC Project with Paypal App already installed
when osCommerce 2.3.5 is released, an installation without code change will be possible
to check compatibility of future releases, follow download link for the module in the osCommerce apps area
In stores without the Paypal App, simple modifications to three files in admin are required (to enable the admin orders hooks).
This module is a restructuring of existing code (most recently added to by BLKOM) to minimise install effort by exploiting the new hooks feature and properly using existing interactions of payment modules with the checkout process. Full credit to authors of previous versions.
Thanks to @boelle for Danish translation, testing and usage advice
Download from the apps area: [link to follow soon]
Also available via github: https://github.com/BrockleyJohn/quickpay-osc-module