Support thread for the "Category Popular Products Carousel for osC 2.3.4 bootstrap" add-on.
Report problems here.
Feedback and comments appreciated.
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osCommerce versions 2.3.4 bootstrap
Can be used with the "Modular Category Page" add-on or as a stand alone add-on.
This add-on adds a carousel/sliding "Popular Products" module to the category pages and can be added to the front page. Ability to highlight hot selling items.
This add-on relies on jQuery Owl Carousel v1.3.3 for carousel sliding effects. More information can be found here "".
jQuery Owl Carousel is included with this package and is installed separately as a heater_tag module.
jQuery Owl Carousel handles responsive carousels a lot better than Bootstrap carousel version. It automatically adjusts the number of items inside the carousel according to the viewport size.