JcM Index Banner carousel Animated V1.0
This is an Index add-on that lets you place a carousel banner on the index page of your site which can be animated if required.
It will show up to 8 banners. It allow start and finish dates to be set for the banners. This can only be done for the last 7 as the first must always be active for carousel to run. Banner will only show when start date is reached and will turn off on end date. The date must be entered in correct format.
Simply copy over all files install and turn on like any other add-on.
The overlay text for each banner and images can be set in the language file.
You can also select which pages it is to be shown on.
The animation is set by the header tags add-on which must be installed once only. It’s a bit complicated to explain but if you play with it you will figure it out. Each banner can have its own animation as can the 2 text groups on each banner. You can also use the animated class’s on any other add-on if you wish by simply adding the required class.
That’s it enjoy.
It has only been tested on Phoenix only.
Can be seen working on this custom test site