Hi everyone. I have spent about a week trying to sort this out to no avail.
I'm in Australia and need to charge GST on shipping costs from my store. I have set up table rate shipping and linked tax class to Taxable Goods (set up in my store to be 10% for GST). The tax calculation works fine and in order totals at checkout the amount is correct.
Problem is it is just a lump sum of shipping plus tax. I need to show the amounts seperate, just as it appears for products with tax.
No matter what combination of order I use for the modules in Order Total, I ALWAYS end up with output like this:
Items cost (ex tax)
Subtotal (ex tax)
Tax amount (only on items)
Shipping (inc tax)
TOTAL (inc tax)
I need:
Items cost (ex tax)
Shipping (ex tax)
Subtotal (ex tax)
Tax amount (items and shipping)
TOTAL (inc tax)
Does anyone have some advice on where to start trying to fix this? Order of modules within Order Total has had no impact.
Thanks in advance