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  1. I have installed Get Qty Price Feed From Supplier module and I'm having some trouble. I only want to update price and quantity and use a 30% markup. I do not include all of the products on my distributor's data feed on my website. I only want to update the price/qty of products I use. When in test mode, I am receiving no errors. The cron job is running successfully. However, when in live mode, there is no update to my database. I have added the markup column to my database. I would like to be able to do an across the board 30% markup but this is not mandatory. I know very little about php programming other than following simple directions to install oscommerce modules. I feel sure it is a simple problem with my php probably in the "Common Field" section because I was confused about that. The link to my get_feed.php: http://www.tacklethisshootthat.com/ttst/store/catalog/admin/get_feed.php The link to my distributor's feed is: http://www.farrisbrothers.com/pub/invc.csv The link to my products.csv file is: http://www.tacklethisshootthat.com/ttst/store/catalog/products.csv Please let me know if you need more information. My get_feed.php file: <?php /* 1.01 Repaired a missing ; 1.02 Replaced some single quotes with double quotes. 1.03 Updated to make editing easier 1.04 Updated to include an OFF mode, added more instructions 1.05 3/4/2010 Geoffrey Walton Removed references old price & qty in test output as these were not available. Allowed rounding to any no of pence/cents and made it optional. Made test output a table. Kept the cost price so can be used to update the product if required. Prevented selling price falling below cost price. Works with admin/local/configure.php file. CRON Job Command You can use the following cron job to execute this script. php /absolute/path/to/shop/admin/get_feed.php Edit the absolute path in this command to reference your admin directory. If you rename this file, change the above command to reflect the new name. */ // Set Options // Set mode of operation // use to set mode to test or live. $test_mode = 1; // 1 = test mode, 0 = live mode $working_dir = '/home/jaandki/public_html/ttst/store/catalog/admin'; // Change to a valid working directory for your shop, otherwise your server may not let you execute the file $local_file = '/home/jaandki/public_html/ttst/store/catalog/products.csv'; // Change to absolute path to a local file name where you will store the file on your server // For xampp users on windows //$working_dir = '/htdocs/mt6admin/'; // Have you renamed your admin folder, you have a security hole if you have not. //$local_file = 'C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\mt6admin\products.txt'; // this is the method you will use to get your data feed $get_method = 'http'; // valid values are 'ftp' or 'http' or 'off' NOTE that http method uses curl and so will not work under xampp // useful for testing or when a supplier 'puts' a file on your server instead of you having to go out and get it // These are required if you are collecting the files using ftp //$ftp_server = 'ftp://domain.com'; // Change to fully qualified domain name //$ftp_user_name = 'your_user_name'; // Change to your user name //$ftp_user_passs = 'password'; // Change to your password //$remote_dir = '' ; // Change to something other than entry directory //$remote_file = 'products.csv'; // name of products file to get from vendor // this is required is you use the http get method. It should be a valid URL that you get get with a browser $url_to_file = 'http://www.farrisbrothers.com/pub/invc.csv'; // If http is Get_method this must be a valid URL to the file // These are general options $use_map = 0; // set to 1 to enable map, must have map in products table $use_markup = 1; //set to 1 to enable markup calculations, must have markup in categories table. $round=true; // true/false : Selling price to always end in xx pence/cents $round_to = 0.99; // xx p to use, but will never be set to bel. // Analysis of file // Visually look at your file and determine if it is a comma separated file or a tab delimited file // A comma separated file will have lines that look like this: 1234,127.55,2,4567 // A tab delimited file will have lines that look like this: 1234 127.55 2 4567 $type_sep = ","; // use "," for a comma separated file and "\t" for a tab delimited file // Set data position // Visually look at the data and enter the position of the type of data in the file. $item_pos = 1; // set the position on the line where the item number is. $qty_pos = 13; // set the position on the line where the quantity is. $price_pos = 12; /* Set your common field For this to work your data feed must have a unique field (like products_id or products_model) that mataches one for one with a field in your database.in order to work properly. Some shops have installed custom fields. This is where you will define that field. */ define('SKU','products_model'); define('QTY ON HAND', 'products_quantity'); define('COST', 'products_price'); // //////////////// There are no additional edits unless you encounter errors ///////////////////////////// // Let's shift the position so starts with 0 $item_pos -= 1; $qty_pos -= 1; $price_pos -= 1; // Let's change to the working directory //chdir($working_dir); // this does not work under xampp so just comment it out // Start the download switch ($get_method) { case "off": break; case "ftp": // open some file to write to $handle = fopen($local_file, 'w'); // set up basic connection $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server); // login with username and password $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass); // change directory if need to if (isset($remote_dir)) { ftp_chdir($conn_id, $remote_dir); } // try to download $remote_file and save it to $handle if (ftp_fget($conn_id, $handle, $remote_file, FTP_ASCII, 0)) { echo "successfully written to $local_file\n"; // may have to comment this out after testing } else { echo "There was a problem while downloading $remote_file to $local_file\n"; // may have to comment this out after testing } // close the connection and the file handle ftp_close($conn_id); fclose($handle); // end of php-ftp code break; case "http": default: // following uses curl as php code $ch = curl_init($url_to_file); $fp = fopen($local_file, "w"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); fclose($fp); // end of php-curl code } // let's get the database open now // have to include the configure file // Set the local configuration parameters - mainly for developers if (file_exists('includes/local/configure.php')) include('includes/local/configure.php'); require('includes/configure.php'); // include the database functions require('includes/functions/database.php'); // make a connection to the database... now tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database server!'); $lines = file($local_file); if ($test_mode == true) { echo "<table><tr><td>Item </td><td>New Qty</td><td>Cost</td><td>New Price</td><tr>\n"; } // loop through lines in file foreach ($lines as $line) { $items = explode ($type_sep, $line); $itemno = $items[$item_pos]; $qty = $items[$qty_pos]; $cost = $items[$price_pos]; // $another_field = $items[3]; // expand if you need to but you will have to add to the sql statement below to get the data into your database. if ($use_markup == true) { // requires a markup column in the categories table with markeup amount as decimal ( .20 as 20%) // get and set markup $sql = "select categories.markup from categories,products_to_categories,products where products.products_id = '" . $itemno . "' and products.products_id = products_to_categories.products_id and products_to_categories.categories_id = categories.categories_id"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $markup = mysql_fetch_row($result); if ($round == true) { $price = (int)($cost * (1+$markup[0]))+$round_to; // add markup and change pence/cents } else { $price = ($cost * (1+$markup[0])); // add markup }; } else { // supplier is sending over price you are going to sell at. if ($round == true) { $price = (int)($cost)+$round_to; // but you want to change the pence/cents } else { $price = $cost; // Use supplier's price }; } // are we going to use MAP pricing? Requires a products_map column in the products table, with a value for map, NULL if no MAP if ($use_map == true) { $sql = "select products_map from products where products_id = '" . $itemno . "'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $map = mysql_fetch_row($result); if (!(is_null($map[0]))) { $price = $map[0]; } } if ($price < $cost) { // Make sure we are not selling below cost $price = $cost; } // OK, let's build and execute the sql statement for this item $sql = "update products set products_quantity = '" . $qty . "', products_price = '" . $price . "' where " . PRODUCTS_ID . "= '" . $itemno . "'"; //$sql = "update products set products_quantity = '" . $qty . "', products_price = '" . $price . "', products_cost = '" . $cost . "' where " . PRODUCTS_ID . "= '" . $itemno . "'"; if ($test_mode == true) { echo "<td>" . $itemno . "</td><td>" . $qty . "</td><td>" . $cost . "</td><td>" . $price . "</td></tr>\n"; } else { $result = mysql_query($sql); } } // back up to process next item if ($test_mode == true) { echo "</table>\n"; } tep_db_close(); // and finally, close the db and we are done. ?> Thanks! Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have spent weeks trying to figure this out on my own and have read every single thing I could find, all to no avail.
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