osC OpenSSL Encryption with jCryption
- Support thread -
Without a SSL certificate the data posted on your shop might be visible to third parties, e.g. your admin username and password. With this Add-On all form data will be encrypted using OpenSSL before it's posted to the server and then decrypted on your server, greatly enhancing the security for you and your customers.
How does this work
client requests RSA public key from server
client encrypts a randomly generated key with the RSA public key
server decrypts key with the RSA private key and stores it in the session
server encrypts the decrypted key with AES and sends it back to the client
client decrypts it with AES, if the key matches the client is in sync with the server and is ready to go everything else is encrypted using AES
Source: http://www.jcryption.org/#howitworks
Features for this Revision:
Support for and tested on osCommerce 2.3.4
Should work for most osCommerce versions with minimum modification.
Tested successfully on Google Chrome, Firefox and IE
Encrypts all Form Data with OpenSSL
Works on both catalog and admin side of shop
Uses jCryption library.
Screenshots included in package.
Download Add-On here: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/9333