JcM Events Calender V1.0 Phoenix
This is a simple add-on that lets you add a store events calender to your site.
It make use of fullcalender.js to render the calender. All the required css and scripts a loaded using a hook so don’t for get to load that.
A simple button in a card is used to access the calender. You can change this if you wish to make it just a test link or something else, but as stock it’s a button. The button class can be changed in admin.
The calender itself is shown on a new page. FullCalender.js can be as simple or as complex as you like. This is a simple implementation, the styling is basic and so is the complexity.
To add new events or edit existing ones all that is required is to edit the language file calender.php. The install is provided with a number of test evens showing how they can be setup.
You can get more information form the official site https://fullcalendar.io/
That’s it enjoy.
It has only been tested on Phoenix only.
Can be seen working on this custom test site