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  1. Hi all, I dont want to be wiseacre disappear but have found a lot of problem with reviews system in oscommerce. So i try to mention personal opinion about it. My critics are the folllowing.. For review need prehistory of products. Probably the reviewer has product experriencies and can say something about it. osCommerce shop follows orders? No. osCommerce use the login force to make review which is a very bad behaviour with a press button. There would be better inform reviews after login as neither force login write reviews. Could customer found easy the reviews system to take a review? Hm.. Which customers write review? Basicly nobody unless somebody ask them. Do you remember to write a review yourself after 3 weeks of order? Could customers manage the self reviews in account? No. Are there any contribution for reviews? Yes but I dont find effective solution for it. I am not the supporter to write reviews as admin. I dont like to implement outside ajax applications to give out my shop commercial data. What would be better? First of all oscommerce has another problem. When I tried to rewrite of reviews system just realised that attributes system are not followed in reviews.. When I listed the ordered products by customers the attributes take a limit of options. How could customers reviews reflected to attributes? This main conflict founded between attributes and stocks too. V3 can handle this conflict with parent-child connections but we are producing in v2 at this moment. The best way would be to prevent option's conflict when connect attributes to reviewed product. How could we integrate the previous listed requirements? As @@burt mentioned in oscommerce appears to be totaly outdated topic I have to aggree with him. Previously I take a reflection about his post but I re-evaluated my opinion now. I have started to work out an alpha review module system for oscommerce. under test mode - ask pseudo review form in email after specified order status and date limit - cron management - alternative html reviews page for emails on http server - display statistical page from emails under construction for v2.3.4 - implement review modules in customer account focused on ordered products - implement review box for product_info page with microformats - change login logic to inform customers about reviews - enable reviews vote for visitors Known other conflicts: order language is not figured out in the core. To see in my github repo Estimated full reviews modul will be work out for v2.4 system If you have any question or remark it is free to write here.
  2. Hi, I installed the French language pack and the Boxes configuration reverts to default when I switch to the second language (French). I am installing v2.3.3 and migrating changes from a 2.2a site. Most of the French content works (most is still from the module installation). The box content displays correctly, but the left/right configuration and the boxes displayed and sort order appear to be the system defaults. When installing the French module as an unzip from catalog, I chose not to overwrite as I did not want to have administrative functions in French. I even tried switching the language to French, going to the admin page and re-writing the boxes configuration, but no change. Searched all over the forums, but have not found the solution. Your help is greatly appreciated!
  3. **** ENGLISH **** With this contrib you will be able to add a poll box to your store, and show its results! Download this add-on on the attached files. **** ESPAÑOL **** Con esta contribución podrás añadir un box de encuestas en tu tienda, y mostrar sus resultados! Descarga la contribución en los archivos adjuntos. http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8614
  4. Hello everybody :) This is my first post and I'm very glad to be here :). On beggining I apologise for my english. I'm not good in foreing languages so forgive me my misteakes :). I write from Poland :) I have problem with points - rewards module. I can't enter amount of points I wish to redeem in second step of checkout (checkout_payment.php). There is any box to write number of points. I only have a checkbox to use all available points for an order. In FAQ of points - rewards module I've found: In checkout_payment.php there is only: <!-- Points/Rewards Module V2.1rc2a Redeemption box bof --> <?php if ((USE_POINTS_SYSTEM == 'true') && (USE_REDEEM_SYSTEM == 'true')) { //echo points_selection(); $cart_show_total= $cart->show_total(); echo points_selection($cart_show_total); if (tep_not_null(USE_REFERRAL_SYSTEM) && (tep_count_customer_orders() == 0)) { echo referral_input(); } } ?> <!-- Points/Rewards Module V2.1rc2a Redeemption box eof --> Could you tell me what I did wrong? I think I did everything good in instalation. OsCommerce: osCommerce 2.2-MS2 Points/Rewards Module: 2.1rc2a
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