Hi everybody,
I'm new a osscommerce user and i'm searching to create a simple site.
I need to create orders, so I installed Order Editor and Manual Order Maker.
All works fine, but when i add a new order or when i create a new customer I can see the customer name in the order details, but i can't found him in the customers list.
Another problems is that in the head of my admin pages i see:
Warning: session_save_path() [function.session-save-path]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 1775400 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /membri***functions/sessions.php on line 165
and i don't know if my first problem come from here...
Please help me to fix it, i search on the forum and on the interntet but i didn't found nothing usefull that i can understand.
I host my site on Altervista with a level 2 database, oscoommerce is versione 2.2 and i install the add-ons with the autoinstallers
Thank you and sorry for my bad English