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JcM Specials % Product Info Phoenix V1.0 A simple add-on to let you place a Specials carousel with “%” card on the product info page. It takes the discount applied to specials. You can edit the card color and text size and color in admin. You can also edit the border shadow effect. Requires the owl_carousel 2.3.4 script to be loaded using the header and footer using Header_Tags CDN . You only need these installed once. Owl requires the owl style sheets and jQuery to be loaded in a specific order to work properly. See the recommendations here If you are using any other add-on using owl it may cause issues if it’s not installed correctly. It is a no core change add-on. Install and turn on both Header_Tags then simply install the other files and install and turn on the new add-on. It has been tested on Phoenix only . Can be seen working on this custom test site
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JcM Hooked breadcrumbs V1.0 Phoenix JcM Hooked breadcrumbs V1.0 Phoenix This is a simple add-on it will allow you to replace the header breadcrumb with one in the index section of the page. It requires NO core changes so just copy over the file provided. Then simply go to admin and turn off your old breadcrumb As it’s a hook the styling will need to be changed in the hook file symbol used can also be changed in the same file. That’s it enjoy. It has only been tested on Phoenix only. Can be seen working on this custom test site
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JcM Be Social sidebar Header_tag V1.0 A simple add-on to let you place a Social Media sidebar onto your site. It is based a nice js script by Copyright (c) 2015 José Gonçalves so all credit is his. It’s been adapted to run on osC Phoenix and fabulous font 5 . It is a code free install so just copy all the files and go to admin and install. You can edit your links in admin and also select which of the social media icons you wish to display. The user can hide the display and reveal it as required. It is responsive and will move as page scrolls. It is also mobile compatible so will show on all devices. It has been tested on Phoenix only. It should however work on other versions that have fabulous font 5 can be seen on this site Enjoy.
JcM Sale Header Tags-V1.0 Phoenix A simple header_tag module to let you place a sales overlay on all special on your site. This is a standalone add-on and makes no changes to core files. That’s it simply copy all files of the into relevant sections and go to admin modules /header tags and install. It can be configured in admin to set, 1) color of badge 2) badge type 3) badge opacity 4) badge animation You can also make changes to the badge with some further settings. Has been tested on Phoenix only. Enjoy! can be seen working on this custom test site
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JcM Phone Animated V1.0 Phoenix This is a simple header add-on that lets you place an active call now button in your header. When clicked on a phone it will auto dial the store number. It will also do this on a pc is a dialler is installed. The text can be changed in the language file. The button can be changed in admin to other stock bootstrap buttons. You can also select the position of the button. The animation can also be changed in admin, if you wish to stop the animation just set the time to zero. You can also select which pages it is shown on. It’s a no core change add-on. Simply install and turn on like any other add-on. That’s it enjoy. It has only been tested on Phoenix 1.0.2.X only but should work on frozen too. Can be seen working on this custom test site
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JcM Header Carousel Banner V1.0 Phoenix This is a header add-on that lets you place a carousel banner at the top of your site. This makes use of the stock banner manager that comes with osC. It will show 4 banners. It requires core changes so only use if you are happy to make these. A modification is required on the admin side to display the banner id’s in the banner manager so you can select which to display. You can do a file compare or simply replace the files with those provided. In public_html/admin/banner_manager.php around line 320 find <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="right"><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_GROUPS; ?></td> and below this add, <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="right"><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_ID; ?></td> around line 349 find <td class="dataTableContent" align="right"><?php echo $banners['banners_group']; ?></td> and below this add, <td class="dataTableContent" align="right"><?php echo $banners['banners_id']; ?></td> Then in /public_html/admin/includes/languages/english/banner_manager.php at the end of the file just before the ?> add define('TABLE_HEADING_ID', 'Banner ID'); That’s it for the core changes. Now simply install and turn on like any other add-on. Once it’s installed simply go to admin tools/banner manager and add your banners. Make sure to add it to the header group or it will not work. These can be text or images just follow instructions in admin. Remember to add your URL link for each banner or you will get a 404 error. Select the banner id’s to be shown in the new banner manger and enter them in admin. These are the banners that will then be displayed in the carousel. The overlay text for each banner can be set in the language file. You can also select which pages it is to be shown on. That’s it enjoy. It has only been tested on Phoenix only. Can be seen working on this custom test site setting banners. the display that's it enjoy!
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JcM footer Brands/Logo's V1.0 CE A simple add-on that allows you to display brand / logo’s in the footer It’s a simple no core change add-on so just copy files over go to admin and install and setup. Images must be in images/logos/ By default images are numbered image1….16 so if you drop those in to the logos folder will display automaticity. If you name the images something else, then go to admin and enter the image names used. The BS3 version is a compromise as BS3 will not display multi image carousel. Done using some js and css. You can also select which pages it will be shown on in admin. Carousel’s are not perfect on small screens so you can set which screen size to block them on in admin. That’s it enjoy. Has been tested on FROZEN CE BS3 & BS4 only.
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JcM Header Stock Banner V1.0 Phoenix This is a simple header add-on that lets you place banner at the top of your site. This makes use of the stock banner manager that comes with osC. It’s a no core change add-on. Simply install and turn on like any other add-on. Once it’s installed simply go to admin tools/banner manager and add your banners. Make sure to add it to the header group or it will not work. These can be text or images just follow instructions in admin. Remember to add your URL link for each banner or you will get a 404 error. The banner can be configured in admin and you can select which pages it is to be shown on. The text message is optional and can be turned on or off in admin. The actual text is set in the language file. That’s it enjoy. It has only been tested on Phoenix 1.0.1.X only. Can be seen working on this custom test site NOTE: This is NOT the official test site
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JcM Image Disclaimer V1.0 Phoenix This is a simple add-on for product information page. It will allow you to Place an image disclaimer message next to your images. It requires NO core changes so just copy over the files provided. Once it’s installed simply go to admin and install and turn on. You can change the styling in admin it uses stock BS Class’s. You can also select the placing of the text within the container it’s added to. The warning symbol used can also be changed. Why would I use this you may ask? Well it can prove very useful for a number of reasons. 1) if you are selling generic products that can change slightly from batch to batch. This could be a colour change, a change in packing, or even an alternative but similar item from another supplier. Then it would be helpful to display something like…. “Image Disclaimer Images shown are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary due to product updates/enhancement. “ 2) If the images are yours, you may not wish them to be abused by others. Then it would be helpful to display something like…. “Under no condition may the pictures be used to promote or be associated with pornographic, immoral, or gambling related materials. The pictures may not be used to promote or be associated with illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or any other addictive substance.” That’s it enjoy. It has only been tested on Phoenix only. Can be seen working on this custom test site
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JcM Footer Banner Carousel V1.0 Phoenix This is a footer add-on that lets you place a carousel banner at the bottom of your site. It will show up to 8 banners. It has been updated to allow start and finish dates to be set for the banners. This can only be done for the last 7 as the first must always be active for carousel to run. Banner will only show when start date is reached and will turn off on end date. The date must be entered in correct format. Simply copy over all files install and turn on like any other add-on. The overlay text for each banner and images can be set in the language file. You can also select which pages it is to be shown on. The default install will show Halloween banners That’s it enjoy. It has only been tested on Phoenix only. Can be seen working on this custom test site
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JcM Header Google Search V1.0 Phoenix This is a simple header add-on that lets you place a Google Search at the top of your site. You will need a Google account to use this add-on. The free version will show google ads. I think we can all agree google is the king of search and will probably do a better job than anything we can come up with. This add-on replaces the stock search with the google custom search which will use google to search your shop only. The results are then shown to the customer in a modal pop-up. You will need to register your website in your google account to get your custom site code. You can do this by going here Just follow the instructions to make your custom search. Then grab the code. You can edit the template file and add the whole code or we just use this cx=007037419634106605348:kyqm6jj5nak and add it to the add-on in admin. That’s it you search will now be working. It’s a no core change add-on. Simply install and turn on like any other add-on. That’s it enjoy. It has only been tested on Phoenix 1.0.2.X only but should work on frozen too. Can be seen working on this custom test site Text results in modal pop up Image results in modal pop up
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JcM Our Bestsellers Image Box V1.0 A simple add-on that places an alternative best sellers box on your site. Plain text may not sit well in all site designs. This add the product image to add a bit of color. You can set you number of items to be displayed in admin as well as setting the image size and position. It’s a no core change add-on so simply copy over files and install and turn on. That’s it enjoy. Has been tested on Phoenix V1.0.1.1 only. Can be seen working on my custom test site NOTE: This is NOT the official test site
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JcM Bestsellers Box spinner V1.0 Phoenix A simple add-on to let you place a bestsellers carousel with “hot!” card on the site. You can edit the card color and text size and color in admin. Requires the owl_carousel 2.3.4 script to be loaded using the header and footer using Header_Tags CDN . You only need these installed once. Owl requires the owl style sheets and jQuery to be loaded in a specific order to work properly. See the recommendations here If you are using any other add-on using owl it may cause issues if it’s not installed correctly. It is a no core change add-on. Install and turn on both Header_Tags then simply install the other files and install and turn on the new add-on. It has been tested on Phoenix only . Can be seen working on this custom test site That's it Enjoy!
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JcM footer-Cart Popup V1.0 A simple add-on that allows you to display what's in the cart as the customer adds it. It is a full screen overlay with cart window. Customer can either view and continue without leaving his page or he can edit cart or check out. It’s a simple no core change add-on so just copy files over go to admin and install and setup. Adjustments to size and position can be made in admin. That’s it enjoy. Has been tested on FROZEN BS4 and Phoenix V1.0.0.3 only. Should work on Frozen BS3 but not tested. Can be seen working on the custom test sites, any comments must relate to this add-on or other custom add-on's only and not the main code. That should be done in the official thread for the code. Can be seen working on this custom website With Opacity set to 0 With Opacity set to 0.75 and color pink
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JcM index New Upcoming Products V1.0 JcM index New Upcoming Products V1.0 A simple add-on that allows you to display upcoming products with image. It’s a simple no core change add-on so just copy files over go to admin and install and setup. The image size can be set in admin. That’s it enjoy. Has been tested on FROZEN CE BS3 & BS4 only. Can be seen working on the test site
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