JcM Bestsellers Box spinner V1.0 Phoenix
A simple add-on to let you place a bestsellers carousel with “hot!” card on the site.
You can edit the card color and text size and color in admin.
Requires the owl_carousel 2.3.4 script to be loaded using the header and footer using Header_Tags CDN . You only need these installed once.
Owl requires the owl style sheets and jQuery to be loaded in a specific order to work properly. See the recommendations here
If you are using any other add-on using owl it may cause issues if it’s not installed correctly.
It is a no core change add-on.
Install and turn on both Header_Tags then simply install the other files and install and turn on the new add-on.
It has been tested on Phoenix only .
Can be seen working on this custom test site
That's it Enjoy!