JcM Specials % Product Info Phoenix V1.0
A simple add-on to let you place a Specials carousel with “%” card on the product info page. It takes the discount applied to specials.
You can edit the card color and text size and color in admin. You can also edit the border shadow effect.
Requires the owl_carousel 2.3.4 script to be loaded using the header and footer using Header_Tags CDN . You only need these installed once.
Owl requires the owl style sheets and jQuery to be loaded in a specific order to work properly. See the recommendations here
If you are using any other add-on using owl it may cause issues if it’s not installed correctly.
It is a no core change add-on.
Install and turn on both Header_Tags then simply install the other files and install and turn on the new add-on.
It has been tested on Phoenix only .
Can be seen working on this custom test site