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  1. jQuery/Ajax Dynamic Checkout for osCommerce 2.3.3 - Support thread - Download Add-On here: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8898
  2. Hi Guys, I have attached the screen shot of the error which i was get during the integration of the Estimated Shipping Cost Calculation. I am struggling with this error for the past two days and i can't able to find that error.....thanks in advance... Fatal error: Call to undefined function tep_get_zones_list() in /home/content/s/w/a/swathisoft/html/swathisanskritiseries/kalakendra_revamp/includes/modules/estimated_shipping.php on line 89
  3. Guest

    Shipping per category

    Hi Is there a module or a way to achieve shipping per category? I have a store which has multiple categories but only needs to offer two different shipping rates, Plus a free delivery option for orders over £x.xx? Can i do this by assigning specific weights the two types? Would be interested in people views or if there is an addon out there. Thanks :thumbsup:
  4. We use v2.2 RC2. We always use USPS. We use stamps.com. We want OScommerce to notify our customers when we ship. The problem is our order page populates the changes automatically to NOT NOTIFY the customer. Why does it not notify the customer? Do we need a separate module for this? We shouldn't because I can manually copy and paste the shipping information into the empty comments box, keep the status at shipped, check the NOTIFY CUSTOMER: box and click update. And of course the customer is then notified. Don't want to do this manually it seems like it should be a simple toggle. Please help, we are baffled. Is this forum not active any more or are my questions too difficult? Not much help here any more - not whining as it is FREE. Just curious. Thanks to all. Paul
  5. Hi. I'm just getting started with OSCommerce. I need to set it up so that if you're in mainland UK you get charged zero shipping, but if you're anywhere else in the World you get charged £5. Could someone give me some pointers to get started? Many thanks, -- Mike Horne
  6. We've been using UPS for some time and just got the option to use the Sure-Post shipping method from UPS, which has better rates then the regular UPS ground for domestic destinations. How would I add that to our shipping options, for the customer to select?
  7. My problem: I'm from South Africa and on my site we make use of the South African Post Office to ship the items. I have a number of various categories each with products but where the weight differs between items of the various categories. There are even electronic items which is to be downloaded and where there is no shipping cost. As an example: The one categery is aromatic candles and these weigh approx 250g per candle. Another category is CD's and DVD's where the items weight approx 100 g each. With the Post Offcie there is a specific rate for parcels up to 1kg which means that with candles you can ship up to 4 units per parcel. With the CD's that becomes up to 10 units. With the rate tale facility I cannot allocated different table rates to each category, or I cannot see how to do it. To compound the problem. When items has to be shipped outside of South Africa then international carriers come into play such as UPS or DHL. This is another solution which I'm looking at. Is there a way to get around this in a simple way? I have thought about a solution as it would be nice to have more than one Table Rate available, but it seems as if I can only activate one module of a kind. Any ideas please.
  8. Customers are unable to use a Canadian address for shipping. If a customer tries to use a Canadian address, they get this message: This is currently the only shipping method available to use on this order. United States Postal Service United States Postal Service An error occured with the USPS shipping calculations. If you would like to use USPS as your shipping method, please contact the store owner. For testing purposes, I used a public library address in Toronto: 155 Bonis Ave., Toronto, ON M1T 3W6 I have attached a screenshot showing the address fields in my Customer Account and a screenshot of the USPS module settings in Admin. Can anyone provide feedback about this?
  9. Hi Friends, I have installed UPS shipping Add-on from: http://addons.oscommerce.com/files/UPSXML_v1_3_91.zip I want to install international UPS. Is this add-on support international UPS?. If not, can anyone please tell me how to convert this add-on to international UPS? Thanks Kumar
  10. Hi friends, I have to integrate stamps.com API into my client site. I have downloaded file from their site. I couldn't find the instruction like other add-on. Can anyone help to integrate stamps.com? I need to show the order status in my client site not in stamps.com. Thanks.
  11. I am looking for a new solution to adding a fixed shipping setting for a select few of the many items we have in our OsCommerce Store. We have a number of our items that have a fixed postage cost of $16.50. These items are new products to our store and are yet to be made public as we can't do that until we are able to find this solution. All of our other products shipping is handled by the Ozpost MultiQuote and I would like to be able to only show the fixed postage cost for the select items mentioned above. This would work in the following situations: Option 1: Item A is posted at $16.50 when placed in the cart by itself. Option 2: Item A & B are posted at $16.50 plus what Ozpost MultiQuote calculates item B postage cost to be when placed in cart together. Option 3: Item B is posted at whatever Ozpost MultiQuote calculates the postage cost to be when placed in the cart by itself. If this is possible could someone help me work it out please or if there is already a module that I could use please point me in the right direction. Any help will be greatly appreciated. We use Flat Rate Shipping, edited to be pickup option & Ozpost MultiQuote as our Postage Options on our Store. We also use Paypal Website Payments Standard & Bank Transfer or Deposit for or Payment options.
  12. I've been looking through the Shipping Modules forum and am impressed by the flexibility. Truly amazing that so many different shipping cost scenarios are supported. Nice job! Though I haven't been able to find any guidance on how to setup my client's shipping cost needs. My client sells millions of dollars of their product yearly and have what looks like unique requirements. It would seem that their needs are not fully supported, but I thought I would try to define them here and see if someone can point me in the right direction or tell me if this is even possible. 1) The client ships only to the continental US, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, Guam, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. We need to eliminate all other country options from the Country dropdown list. 2) Shipping cost varies per product and are charged regardless of any additional shipping charges itemized below. Ie: Product #1 - $4.95/per item Product #2 - $7.95/per item etc... The above shipping costs are a flat, per item, base cost and are mandatory for all destinations. 3) There is no additional charge for shipping to anywhere in the continental US. 4) There is a $10.00 additional charge per order for shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, Guam, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. 5) There is a $9.95 optional charge per order for priority processing to any of these locations. A few examples: Customer orders three of Product #1 to be shipped anywhere in the continental US. No priority processing: $4.95 base cost * 3 -------------------------------- $14.85 shipping charge Customer orders three of Product #1 to be shipped to Guam. No priority processing: $4.95 base cost * 3 $10.00 additional (Guam) ------------------------------- $24.85 shipping charge Customer orders three of Product #1 to be shipped to Guam. Priority processing: $4.95 base cost * 3 $10.00 additional (Guam) $9.95 priority processing ------------------------------- $34.80 shipping charge Customer orders three of Product #1 to be shipped to continental US. Priority processing: $4.95 base cost * 3 $9.95 priority processing ------------------------------- $24.80 shipping charge Customer orders one of Product #1 and one of Product #2 to be shipped to continental US. Priority processing: $4.95 base cost (Product #1) $7.95 base cost (Product #2) $9.95 priority processing ------------------------------- $22.85 shipping charge You get the idea... I have purchased WP Combo and installed the Individual Shipping Rate module. This provides the base cost for each product and per item, but I don't understand how I can add the additional $10 charge for selected destinations, nor how to provide an option for priority processing. The flexibility afforded by the many contributions to WP Online Store/osCommerce is impressive. I will be even more impressed and even blown away if there is a configuration to accomodate my client's particular shipping needs. Does anyone know how I might tackle this?
  13. USPS is Updating Their APIs Jan. 27th, 2013-Test Servers Available Now. If you use USPS Web Tools APIs, check to see the 2013 API updates to make sure your eCommerce programs are ready for the changes coming January 27th. For more information, click here and select the RTF document titled “January 2013 Web Tools Price Change Release Notes” Pass this along to anyone it may help and please let me know if you have any questions. -Ben
  14. Hello All, I'm ready to implement shipping modules into my osc stores. After searching the add-ons page, I saw there were well over 400 of them to choose from. Some were updates, some did specific things in conjunction with other modules, but I was not left with a warm, fuzzy feeling as to where I should start. So... I want to offer UPS, USPS and FedEx for both domestic shipping in the USA and international shipping. With over 400 modules available, it's a daunting task to figure out which ones to use, so I'm asking here first if anyone here has a link or file recommendation for the three services mentioned above. Many, many thanks in advance! Sincerely, DesertCoder
  15. Hi, I would like to know if anyone has made a Item Specific Shipping Module as I am wanting to use a shipping module linked to one item that I offer to my customers. E.G. Item + Specific Shipping Module = Checkout. As I want to only use this option on this item I need it to be item specific so that it isn't available to use with any other items in the store. If anyone can help with this matter your help will be greatly appreciated.
  16. We need to set up separate shipping for a certain category of products. It would work something like this: 1 to 3 products = $25 shipping 4 to 6 products = $50 shipping 7 to 9 products = $75 shipping Any idea how to set this up for this particular category without affecting the other items?
  17. Hi everyone. I have spent about a week trying to sort this out to no avail. I'm in Australia and need to charge GST on shipping costs from my store. I have set up table rate shipping and linked tax class to Taxable Goods (set up in my store to be 10% for GST). The tax calculation works fine and in order totals at checkout the amount is correct. Problem is it is just a lump sum of shipping plus tax. I need to show the amounts seperate, just as it appears for products with tax. No matter what combination of order I use for the modules in Order Total, I ALWAYS end up with output like this: Items cost (ex tax) Subtotal (ex tax) Tax amount (only on items) Shipping (inc tax) TOTAL (inc tax) I need: Items cost (ex tax) Shipping (ex tax) Subtotal (ex tax) Tax amount (items and shipping) TOTAL (inc tax) Does anyone have some advice on where to start trying to fix this? Order of modules within Order Total has had no impact. Thanks in advance John
  18. I'm having a problem, and not sure if it's the shopping cart, or another file. I hope someone can help. I can add 10 items into my cart, and at checkout, both usps, and ups modules, reflect the correct weight, but only 1 package. I really appreciate any time and effort. version 2.3
  19. Created a new store with a clean install of osC 2.3.3. I'm trying to get a usable version of the USPS shipping module installed and working. Clarification: A more up-to-date version of the included USPS shipping module. The version that is included with 2.3.3 has this information in the code header: "Based on USPS Methods 26-Feb-2010 http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/487" I have tried installing "USPS Methods 6_0" and had it completely mess up my installation (Internal Server 500 Error) to the point where I had to delete the store and re-install (then import my backed up data). Currently, the USPS (catalog -> includes -> modules -> shipping -> usps.php) module only gives the option of "Library Mail." Can someone point me to an updated version of a working and compatible USPS for version 2.3.3? Thank you. Judith
  20. Created a new store with a clean install of osC 2.3.3. I'm trying to get a usable version of the USPS shipping module installed and working. The version that is included with 2.3.3 has this information in the code header: "Based on USPS Methods 26-Feb-2010 http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/487" I have tried installing "USPS Methods 6_0" and had it completely mess up my installation (Internal Server 500 Error) to the point where I had to delete the store and re-install (then import my backed up data). Currently, the USPS (catalog -> includes -> modules -> shipping -> usps.php) module only gives the option of "Library Mail." Can someone point me to an updated version of a working and compatible USPS for version 2.3.3? Thank you. Judith
  21. I'm trying to add an additional condition to a per item shipping module. It is processing the zone properly but I can't get it to calculate the shipping correctly. It returns a $0.00 shipping total. Here is the code: if ($dest_zone == 0) { $groups_cost = constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_PIPC_COST_DEFAULT'); $handle_cost = constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_PIPC_HANDLING_DEFAULT'); } elseif ($dest_zone == 1 && $total_count > 2) { $shipping_cost = $groups_cost + $groups_cost; } else { $groups_cost = constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_PIPC_COST_' . $dest_zone); $handle_cost = constant('MODULE_SHIPPING_PIPC_HANDLING_' . $dest_zone); } $shipping_method = MODULE_SHIPPING_PIPC_TEXT_WAY . ' ' . $dest_country . ' : ' . $shipping_weight . ' ' . MODULE_SHIPPING_PIPC_TEXT_UNITS; $shipping_cost = $groups_cost * $total_count + $handle_cost; $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code, 'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_PIPC_TEXT_TITLE, 'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code, 'title' => $shipping_method, 'cost' => $shipping_cost)));
  22. Hello, I am an admin and the site owner would like a flate rate per item per country. That part is set up and working, now they would like to put a cap on the domestic shipping fee. This can be either a maximum $$ amount for domestic shipping or only charge shipping for the first 2 items. Currently I am using Per Country Per Item v1.1 for the shipping module. http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/4934/v,22 Does anyone have a suggestion for setting up a maximum shipping amount on one group (domestic)?
  23. Hiya, I am relatively new to all this but have got my site up and running. BUT - desperately want multi zone shipping so I can set weight prices for UK, then Europe, then world zone 1 and world zone 2. The problem is I have cleared the site before by accident having to start from scratch so really want talking through with baby steps as I am very nervous to change anything now its all working. can anyone help?
  24. Hello, Maybe this is built-in or there is an easy fix (I hope so). In have received a request to have some items on the web store set up so they are not be able to be shipped, and the customer must come in to the store to purchase. I have to admit that I first thought why, but it seems that PetSmart has certain set up so they can only be bought in a store, but listed on the web store. See: http://www.petsmart.com/ and search on "can dog food" - all the canned dog foods have a listing on the website, but they can't be purchased on the website - the customer has to go to a store to purchase. Any ideas how to do this? Thanks
  25. Hi Guys, I'm looking for a module or method for an OSC 2.3.1 store, that will allow me to define shipping in different bands depending on the order total. For example: £3.00 shipping for orders up to £10.00 £8.00 for orders up tp £20.00 Free Shipping for orders over £50.00 All orders would be within the UK and none abroad. I have looked around but can't seem to find any explanation of how to accurately define this. Any help or guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks Hoogie!
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