I have setup my Paypal account to point to http://www.whdservices.com/store/checkout_process.php and the api test in the oscommerce admin returns this:
The PayPal Express Checkout credentials are not set up correctly for live production use.
array(13) {
string(20) "2012-09-18T19:29:49Z"
string(13) "6b71ddbcdcc97"
string(7) "Failure"
string(4) "60.0"
string(7) "3622349"
string(5) "10471"
string(5) "10472"
string(94) "Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details."
string(94) "Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details."
string(21) "ReturnURL is invalid."
string(21) "CancelURL is invalid."
string(5) "Error"
string(5) "Error"
Please note I have not edited any files in oscommerce....
Can someone provide simple step by step instructions to get this working correctly and not just try this and bail......if we had simple
1. do this
2. do this
3. do this
from beginning to end it would benefit the whole oscommerce community....please help