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Found 9 results

  1. Reviews Navbar and Header Module BS This Navbar and Header Modules intent to offer an alternative to the standard (core) side column boxes. On small screens (Mobiles) the boxes are moved at the very bottom of the pages. They are therefore not useful for small devices. Header and Navbar Modules show on the top of the pages and are much more recommended for Mobile view. You can permanent replace your side column boxes to show always the Header or Navbar module instead on all screen sizes. Or you can add a device dependent helper class to the box and header/navbar module, so on desktop view the boxes are still used, but on smaller devices the header/navbar modules will replace them. Instructions how to do this are included. Compatibility: OsC 2.3.4 Bootstrap Community Editions EDGE at least up to 2017/01 PHP: 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0 Filenames, Database Table Names and paths hardcoded. Superglobal variables used. ================================================================ NOTE: The Navbar module requires EDGE version since 2016/02/25 which include modular navbar. Otherwise you need to update to modular navbar. Download: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/9562 Screenshots:
  2. Store Hotline Header Content Module for Bootstrap This Add-On adds a Button to the store header displaying the Store Phone. It is a disabled BS Button on all views except xs mobile view where it acts like a button which opens the Mobile Phone Dialler with the Store Phone number. Header Content Module Easy installation, no file modifications. Only copy 2 files + language files. Install the module in Admin : Modules. Includes Alignment class, text-left, text-center, text-right Download: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/9291
  3. This addon provides a FAQ page for any shop that is able to install addons via the modules content section. All of the FAQ's are handled in the admin. This version is compatible with any oscommerce shop that uses modules to load infoboxes in admin (about since V 2.3.1). This addon is based on the FAQ System addon but has many improvements and security fixes. Installation only requires one file change.
  4. For all who are looking to change their gallery in CE I would definitely suggest this add-on by @wHiTeHaT https://apps.oscommerce.com/6V87X&bs-slick-image-gallery The formatting is clean and orderly... very nicely done! I do have a question I hope someone can help with... How do I change this add-on so it Does Not display the "main image"... This way it would only display the "Large Images" as the standard gallery does by default in CE? I know changes need to be made in: /includes/modules/content/product_info/cm_pi_slick.php I am just not having any luck with this change... Thank you in advance for your help!
  5. This addon is a replacement for the previous MATC module. It is fully compatible with all community edition versions of oscommerce but it does require raiwa's modular checkout pages addon to be installed.. Once installed, it will place a check box on the create account, checkout payment or checkout confirmation pages, depending upon the settings in the module. The check box prevents the customer from proceeding unless they check that box. If the check box is to appear on the create account page, a few file edits are requited. Otherwise, it all works with the installation of modules.
  6. Hello, I used this addon under PHP 5.6 without any issue, and after moving to PHP 7.2 its not working well, there is error in the log file PHP Warning: Division by zero in /home/admin/public_html/kirje1/includes/classes/sales_report2.php on line 175 and here is the line s from 167 - 175 // execute the query $cnt = 0; $itemTot = 0; $sumTot = 0; while ($resp[$cnt] = tep_db_fetch_array($rqItems)) { // to avoid rounding differences round for every quantum // multiply with the number of items afterwords. $price = $resp[$cnt]['psum'] / $resp[$cnt]['pquant']; and the issue that if there is sales and returns for some product like sold one and return one so it will be zero sales . but it show on the report as nan€ any one have same issue? Joe
  7. Support forum for State Selector for osc 2.3.4 BS Version 1.0 by @raiwa based on the code posted by @@De Dokta http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/397121-drop-down-state-selection-and-2334bs3/?p=1724667 This add-on will show a state drop down menu in "create account", address_book" and "checkout_new_address". Download: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/9309
  8. Hi All, Did someone install the addon of BS AjaxAngular Professional ShoppingCart? I found a problem that if I add same product with some option in different property, and it just show the last option value in the shopping cart. For example: Add a T-Shirt Color: Black and add this product with Color: Blue. It just shows the T-Shirt Color: Blue in the shopping cart. Did someone encounter for this problem? chuntse
  9. This addon is designed to make changes to the product pages of an osCommerce store easy and simple. It is particularly intended for new users of the software, but can be used by anybody. Elements in the center section of the page can be added, removed, and reordered from the Admin panel. There is only one core file to change; the rest is done from your Admin. The initial Addon contains all of the modules needed to replace the stock Product Info page. More modules are planned (I have an improved Reviews module already coded). The Addon is here. Regards Jim
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