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The e-commerce.

Pricing- Flash variables sent to the checkout page.

chris Parry

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I have searched the forums but have not found a solution as yet.


I sell rings. There are four basic variables.


Metal - silver, gold, platinum

Ring size - H, H1/2, I, I1/2.....

Ring width - 2mm, 3mm ....

diamond size - 0.10ct, 0..11ct, 0.12ct....


Each variable has its own value which , when used in a formula dynamically creates the price. (I actually have quite a complicated formula on my flash site, which takes the ((current metal price, x ring size, x ring width, x metal density )+ diamond+other overheads+credit card fees+VAt+)xprofit margin


I can get this to work in flash no problem. (You can see it in action here www.chris-parry.co.uk)


I would like to use my flash drop down menus (so insert a flash file) into the product page. Then have the selected details transfer onto the "Cart" page.


So I am self taught and understand flash actionscript and can get this all to work within flash, but I don't know how to go about getting this info to interact with OSC. I know very little about html, java etc......


Your help would be tremendously appreciated, even if it is ....can't be done. I just find the limitations of the product attributes quite annoying and want to create a simple method for my customers to use.



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