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    • PJ Sportscards  »  Jack_mcs

      Hello Jack,
      Over the years your countless efforts have helped me modify my shop in many areas successfully & I thank you sir.
      I am however having a really hard time implementing HoneyPot V 1.16 into my Oscommerce 2.2 store.
      Seems that if i have it enabled in the admin panel any message that is being sent from the contact us page spawns a 500 code error.
      Once I disable HoneyPot it works again.
      The only thing I can think of is there is one snippet of coding in your instructions that does not match what is found in my create_account.php
                      <td><?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('enquiry', 'soft', 50, 15); ?></td> (missing)
                    </tr>  (missing) 
                  </table></td>  (missing)
                </tr>  (missing)
              </table></td>  (missing)
            </tr>  (missing)
            <tr>  (missing)
              <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>  (This is present)
            </tr> (This is present)
      ADD BENEATH:      (I added this under the two lines that were present)
             <td align="center">
              /*** BEGIN HONEYPOT ***/
              /*** END HONEYPOT ***/  
      It certainly could be something else vut from what I can tell I have implemented everything else just as you have instructed.
      I would appreciate any help you can give me to get this thing working. For several years now there has been some bot making fake accounts & presumably spamming people.
      The accounts are always gibberish & are always similar but different.
      For example today this one arrived:
      First name - jGJOubUHBK
      Last name - aLezhgiKGAPQlW
      Email - (is likely someones I wont post here)
      Company name - hsHdlOFg
      Street Address - xqvifVDRzIshL
      Post Code - yqGiMXpHec
      City - yqGiMXpHec
      State - BwsqPcxSOlDrR
      Country - BcKAnvLjOEXtoUNg
      Telephone - (could be a real number I won't post here)
      Fax number - iNHoSWtnbp
      Newsletter - Subscribed
      Hopefully you can help me out sir.
      · 5 replies
    • brian_cee  »  Jack_mcs

      Jack, there seems to be a problem with your website's "contact us" function. I get errors about "too many redirects" when I try to submit the contact form. I was trying to buy an addon there, but I'm wondering if you are still in business?
      · 0 replies
    • MrMayberry  »  Jack_mcs

      I have been working with 2.x for 20+ years, but now I'm moving into 4.x.
      I was wondering if you any luck with more reports in 4.x? IE (Weekly Items Sold Report)
      You have a lot of posts so I thought you might have the answer.
      Thanks in advance... 
      · 0 replies
    • oceanlee  »  Jack_mcs

      Hi Jack I communicated with you earlier this year about SEO issues on my Xpressmedia website. I have a hosting contract with TMD. When I asked them about upgrading to version 4 they said they would do it but it appears as if they do not know how and have suggested finding someone more knowlegable. What would you charge to do the upgrade? Regards Allan Whittaker. Please take into account that I am a 71 year old pensioner so do not have a big budget.
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    • ruchichauhan  »  satish

      When we using Paypal mehod in OScommerce , Then the attributes of the products are not getting fetched
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